
For The Love Of Jeans

I like jeans. No, I LOVE jeans. I have actually been told I have an obsession with buying jeans. I am so picky with the way I want jeans to fit. I like them to be tight in the thighs, I like them to hide my loves (loves= love handles, my sister and I call it that. But just like every other girl out there, we all wanna hide those), I like them to be boot cut, and I like them a little longer in length. My mom hated shopping with me if she knew I was planning on getting jeans, I guess I took a really long time picking out the perfect pair. Come to think of it, I didn't own a pair of jeans until I was in the 6th or 7th grade. I was one of those kids that wore stretchy pants with a big baggy shirt that had a picture of Betty Boop LOL. I know you are laughing right now, I am too it's ok. :) (OMG horrible flash backs..how could my mom let me leave the house like that?!?!?)
I was introduced to Lucky Brand jeans while I was in college. They are probably my ALL time favorite brand of jeans. I think I have about 7 or 8 . They fit perfectly in the hips, in the waist, and are the perfect length. The length is great with heels but it is also great with flip flops, thank God!! These jeans are so A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!! And the price isn't too high, I generally spend about $90-110 on Lucky's.

More recently, probably within the last year or two, I have noticed my hairdresser wearing Hudson's. They look great on her! So I have been wanting to buy them for a very long time. But I just couldn't see spending almost $200 right now. Yes if I were back in college I probably would have, but I am a little more cautious with money now when it comes to . Well, about two months ago I splurged!! I bought a pair of Hudson's AND a pair of True Religions. I didn't quite spend $200 on each pair. I probably spent about $220 on both. Remember I said a little cautious. They are just as A.MA.Z.I.N.G as I thought they would be. The money was totally worth it :)

I used to think it was silly to buy expensive (brand name) jeans. I wondered how people could spend so much money on jeans, I mean they are jeans for crying out loud. It isn't like it's diamond earrings or a new laptop...it's jeans!! But the instant I tried the Lucky Brand jeans on, I knew I would never look back. I knew I was going to be the girl who had to spend some extra money on jeans.

Since I have started typing this up, I feel like I should reward myself with a pair of jeans. :) hehe I have just promoted 3 brands of jeans, so I think I deserve another pair...yes? I love wearing jeans. They are a staple in every girl's closet...actually in every persons closet. They are a MUST have for all.

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